Jaycob gets a Custom Car Seat!
Jaycob was using a car seat that was way too small for him. Wheelchairs 4 Kids helped Jaycob get a custom car seat for the family minivan. Jaycob is now more comfortable and safer in the specialized seating system. Jaycob is traveling in style now!
Jaycob is a 14 year-old-boy who was diagnosed with multiple challenges, including Cerebral Palsy and Seizure Disorder. Jaycob is completely dependent on others for mobility. He also is unable to support himself in a sitting position. The sweet boy, however, fights his illness with a youthful strength.
Jaycob likes to stimulate his imagination through books, and his favorite is the always inquisitive Curious George. Television is another pastime Jaycob enjoys, and he dawns a big smile watching the big-eared Mickey Mouse. Nothing makes the boy more contented, though, like mom’s cooking. She loves making Jaycob homemade heaven and hearing him say “Mmmm!”
The seat on the left is the new custom car seat, the seat on the right is the old one!