Meet Keilyn!



Meet 11-year-old Keilyn. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, resulting in numerous challenges. Keilyn is nonverbal, although she understands when people speak to her in either English or Spanish. She is confined to a wheelchair. Keilyn is also working on being able to sit upright without assistance. None of these limitations hinder the disabled girl’s spirit.


  Keilyn is very sweet and fun loving. She tries singing to a variety of music and likes it when mom picks her up and dances. Keilyn enjoys reading Giving Thanks, which was a book gifted by her compassionate teacher. Keilyn really enjoys the interaction at school. Hanging out with friends and teachers is a favorite part of her day. In fact, Keilyn cares about everyone she meets. She always wants to cheer up people if they are having a bad day. Meet Keilyn and find a dose of happiness!


Keilyn needs a   travel stroller to make transportation easier and more comfortable. Please be her sponsor!



Keilyn received her travel stroller. This light weight alternative to a wheelchair provides Keilyn with a safe and comfortable seat that is easy to transport and can go places where her heavy wheelchair doesn’t fit! It is a great option when going to doctors appointments or even going for a walk in the park!