Teddy’s Wheelchair Carrier!
Gotta love the Tampa Bay community! This week we had a wheelchair carrier installed on Teddy’s family van. They live 3 hours away in Holly Hills, Thanks to the Hilton St.Petersburg Carillon Park, The Florida Aquarium, Fabrica Woodfired Pizza and Triple S Mobility it was an amazing day! Teddy’s parents said it best in their message last night: Wow while it is still fresh in my mind I need to take the opportunity to recognize the following for making the past 2 days possible:
The staff at Hilton St Petersburg Carillon Park
Lauren Gray at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa for Teddy’s private viewing for the shark/sting ray feeding.
Stephanie & Jonathan Greco from Fabrica for a mouthwatering lunch
The staff, especially Cindy at Triple S Mobility for the lift & new tablet for Teddy
And lastly but first on my mind; Wheelchairs 4 Kids. Madeline for making it all possible & Nora, my favorite go to girl!
There are no words for the gratitude we feel, we are truly humbled by the generosity shown to us. After all my son has been thru, our family suffering personal loss & setbacks but yet still Teddy retains that room lighting smile. It is beyond amazing to us that there are still people in this world that truly band together for the greater good. God Bless-
Alan McCrary II Brenda Sharer- McCrary & Teddy